Friday, 22 March 2013

National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day - March 24th

In 1927, The Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company introduced Raisinets, chocolate-covered raisin
candies that were, believe it or not, hand-shined.

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March 23 is Chip and Dip Day !

Though dipping food is an ancient practice, the chip-and-dip craze we know today didn't really take off until the 1950s, thanks to intense marketing campaigns by the Thomas J. Lipton Company.....

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Saturday, 16 March 2013

March 17th, the Feast of Joseph of Arimathea.

Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy disciple of Jesus, who, according to the book of Matthew 27:57-60, asked Pontius Pilate for permission to prepare the Tomb for Jesus. Joseph is mentioned in a few times in parallel passages in Mark, Luke and John, but nothing further is heard about his later activities.

Joseph's legend during the Middle Ages grew... eventually becoming a major saint and cult hero, as well as the supposed ancestor of many British monarchs. He is said to have brought with him to Britain a cup, said to have been used at the Last Supper.... .   and was the object of the quests of the Knights of King Arthur's Round Table. One legend goes on to suggest that Joseph hid the "Grail" in Chalice Well at Glastonbury for safe-keeping.

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Worry Dolls from Guatemala

"WORRY DOLL LEGEND - There is a legend amongst the Highland Indian villages of Guatemala: "If you have a problem, then share it with a worry doll. Before going to bed, tell one worry to each doll, then place them beneath your pillow. Whilst you sleep, the dolls will take your worries away!" Maya Traditions is a fair-trade producer and wholesale business based in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala and San Francisco, California. For over ten years they have worked with Maya indigenous weavers in the highlands of Guatemala. Their mission is to support weaving groups and small family businesses through providing consistent income, as well as health and education projects.

Available at : Worry Dolls

March 16th is National Artichoke Hearts Day ! Did you know ?

March 16th ..... National Artichoke Hearts Day !

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Welcome to Dashpedia

I will write about everything in the World..... Stay tuned for more.

Adventures coming your way !